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definition_of_ready.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 10.7 KB)

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di_nh_nghi_a_hoa_n_tha_nh.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 2 MB)

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ki_ch_ba_n_daily_scrum.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 9.3 KB)

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ki_ch_ba_n_sprint_planning.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 14 KB)

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ki_ch_ba_n_sprint_retrospective.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 10.2 KB)

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ki_ch_ba_n_sprint_review.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 10.6 KB)

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scrum_events_scripts.docx (2024/08/06 06:59 9 KB)

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sprint_effort_plan.xlsx (2024/08/06 06:59 1.3 MB)

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sprint_retrospective.xlsx (2024/08/06 06:59 22.2 KB)

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sprint_review.xlsx (2024/08/06 06:59 1.1 MB)

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team_s_metrics.xlsx (2024/08/06 06:59 21 KB)

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